New Release

Vantage is
Olumide Soyombo’s
Business Memoir

As Featured On

About Vantage

Africa is now the land of unicorns, but before unicorns, there were numerous stories that captured the power and pioneering spirit of the continent’s techpreneurs. Enter Olumide Soyombo who discovered the Personal Computer as a teenager and with the nudging of his father, became an entrepreneur.

Set against the backdrop of the evolution of Africa’s emergence on the tech scene and the pivotal role and leadership offered by Nigerians and the country’s contemporary culture, Vantage tells the story of Olumide’s pioneering role. With rare insights into the backroom of ventures, balanced with the candour of playing hard, the tales speak to the spirit of partnerships being both business and personal

Olumide Soyombo
Co-Founder at Bluechip Technologies
Founder Voltron Capital

Get to know The AUTHOR

Olumide Soyombo​

Olumide Soyombo is a key stakeholder in the African technology and startup space, with nearly two decades of experience in building and managing successful businesses and investing in high-impact projects and startups. He is widely recognized for his expertise in strategic partnerships between tech innovators, technological entrepreneurship, and private capital.
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